2018-06-05 9:27 AM
I'm currently testing low-power modes on my MCU and I need to know if it's possible to wake up from stop mode via peripheral interrupts (timer, I2C, USART, ADC and so on)? Reference manual says that all the PLLs, HSI and HSE oscillators are disabled in stop mode and so I'm assuming that the mentioned peripherals won't run during stop mode. Is this correct?
#stop-mode-wake-source2018-06-05 11:25 AM
MCU can be woken up from STOP mode using any interrupt, connected via EXTI interface:
It can also be woken up using wakeup pin, brown-out reset or by IWDG. Once wake up event happens, MCU will continue code execution where it went to sleep (it won't reset).
More about low power modes for STM32F4xx can be found in
.Best regards,