2016-12-11 4:44 AM
I want to change the RTC->ISR register value but i could not change it (RTC->ISR = 0xFFFFFFFF etc...). Besides i can change TIM4->CCR1 value. Why rtc register value can not be chaged? Any advise??
2016-12-11 10:37 AM
hello eb3484,
seems that RTC clock is not enabled or write protection is enabled.
make sure clock is enabled within
/* Peripheral clock enable */
__HAL_RCC_RTC_ENABLE();make sure write protection is disbaled within
/* Disable the write protection for RTC registers */
2016-12-12 10:29 AM
as a matter i want to control the alarm flag ALRAF to set it to '1'. Because in my circuit, i set the clock manually with buttons, and when i use the set time function, the rtc alarm interrupts stops suddenly, and it continues to work when the second of the clock changes from 59 to 0. I couldn't understand its reason, but i think, if i change the rtc alarm flag in RTC->ISR register, maybe it contuniues to work.