2016-12-11 12:22 PM
I had created the project for
from STM32CubeMX,
and set the system to use external crystal of 8 MHz. I configured USART1 and USART2 to function as UART and repeatedly send strings out. The output looks all fine expect when configure the UART baudrate to 921600. When configure UART baudrate to 921600 on
all received are 0x00 .
had tried the similar configuration on
on which using HSI system clock. By my understanding, this will be less accurate than the HSE used on
board. But the UART1 and UART2 running on
is all fine.
I’m not so sure if I had made mistake on clock configuration. Please help.
2016-12-11 2:15 PM
Not sure I've done so recently, or with the HAL, but I had F2/F4 boards running in the low mega-bauds. Serial ports can handle quite high clock error numbers, so crystal vs RC doesn't make much of a difference, most error comes from the APB and the division thereof. The 921600 rate is below the ceiling for most RS232 level converters, so should be fine there.
If I were you, I'd review the USARTx->BRR wrt APBx clocks, and look at the signal on a scope (say of an 0x55 'U' character)
2016-12-11 4:45 PM
OK. I got the issue resolved.
By lower down the OverSampling = UART_OVERSAMPLING_8; instead of UART_OVERSAMPLING_16, which is provided by CubeMX, the UART 2 and UART 3 on STM32F4Discovery now run at baudrate of 921600 without problem.
2016-12-11 5:10 PM
looking in scope is the ultimate way to address this issue, but if the clock was drafting x%, it still be hard to determine where the problem comes from, the hardware of clock source or all the clock chain of configuration.
I had the latest HAL used in this case, this make me little harder to tracking down all the settings.
Thanks for your response.
2016-12-11 5:41 PM
Assuming usual clocking
baud_usart1 = 84000000 / USART1->BRR;
baud_usart2 = 42000000 / USART2->BRR;
I'd expect USART1->BRR to be 91, yielding an error of 0.16%
2016-12-12 8:32 AM
Even I had the problem resolved at this moment, it is still be interested to find out what happens under hood.
As on STM32F0Discovery board, on which using HSI clock, easily support UART baudrate at 921600, with OverSampling = UART_OVERSAMPLING_16, which is provided by CubeMX; But on STM32F4Discovery board, on which using HSE clock, I have to reduce OverSampling = UART_OVERSAMPLING_8 to make it run properly for UART baudrate of 921600.
I will investigate into the low layer/register settings once time permit.
2016-12-12 10:35 AM
There have been complaints about the math for computing the baud rate divider, ST seems to uses a very complicated method that seems to belie the simplicity of the hardware.
For 16x mode the APB clock driving the USART is going to be up near 16 MHz to deliver 921600, and significantly higher to get the granularity fine enough if you aren't using magic value crystals.
2016-12-12 11:32 AM
Thank you to provide a very interesting link.
I tried the fix from
, but it wasn't work for me. One possible could be that currently I usehttps://community.st.com/0D50X00009Xkf9ESAR
v1.5.2 , something else was changed.In the HAL lib what I saw is
/* UART BRR = mantissa + overflow + fraction
= (UART DIVMANT << 4) + ((UART DIVFRAQ & 0xF8) << 1) + (UART DIVFRAQ & 0x07U) */ #define UART_BRR_SAMPLING8(_PCLK_, _BAUD_) (((UART_DIVMANT_SAMPLING8((_PCLK_), (_BAUD_)) << 4U) + \ ((UART_DIVFRAQ_SAMPLING8((_PCLK_), (_BAUD_)) & 0xF8U) << 1U)) + \ (UART_DIVFRAQ_SAMPLING8((_PCLK_), (_BAUD_)) & 0x07U))anything wrong above?