2015-01-03 2:04 AM
I'm using stemwin library for stm32f429 discovery. I just try to create simple project like - ''Hello world''. And my program hangs in GUI_init, namely in _DMA_Fill in line:while (DMA2D->CR & DMA2D_CR_START) { //__WFI(); // Sleep until next interrupt } I have been trying to identify this hanging in file stm32f4xx_it, setting breakpoints in different interrupt handler, but my program doesn't enter any of these handlers..DMA2D_IRQHandlerLTDC_ER_IRQHandler
B . <- Program goes to this line
2015-09-21 2:40 AM
I have the exact same problem, but with the stm32f7 discovery board. I tried to port the configs of stemwin from the hello world- example and the Demonstration example to a CubeMX-Based Program.
I dont know what to do. I could not find any stemwin-Example using cubeMX. Do I have to configure DMA2D with cubeMX? I would really appreciate any help or tip.2015-09-22 1:57 AM
Hi Cube2,
You can configure the peripheral DAM2D through CubeMx by activating it in the Pinout View, and you can set parameters in Configuration View.-Shahrzad-2015-09-22 3:04 AM
Thanks for your reply, however, that was not the only point. I got it running.
It would have been really helpful if there was an example using stemwin with cubeMX. I successfully initalized everything (DMA2d, LTDC; seems like DMA is not needed, it works without DMA initialized), removed any ''BSP''- code from LCDConfig.C. BSP_SDRAM_Initialization_sequence() is needed from the HelloWorld.c-Example, otherwise it hangs in that loop. I call this function in main.c after the CubeMX-Init. I could not find any better place to place that function, i thinkMX_FMC_Init would be right, but there are no
''USER CODE BEGIN''/END Tags where i could add it, so it has to happen in main.c.