2014-08-22 1:37 AM
I'm compiling Demonstration on STM32F429I-Discovery_FW_V1.0.1 was work fine. Now I fixd RTC_Configuration() on rtc.c for 32.768kHz LSE driven as below:int8_t RTC_Configuration(void)
{RTC_Error = 0;
/* Enable the PWR clock */ RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_PWR, ENABLE);/* Allow access to RTC */
PWR_BackupAccessCmd(ENABLE);/* LSI used as RTC source clock */
/* The RTC Clock may varies due to LSI frequency dispersion. */ /* Enable the LSI OSC */ RCC_LSEConfig(RCC_LSE_ON);/* Wait till LSI is ready */
while(RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_LSERDY) == RESET) { }/* Select the RTC Clock Source */
RCC_RTCCLKConfig(RCC_RTCCLKSource_LSE); /* Enable the RTC Clock */ RCC_RTCCLKCmd(ENABLE); /* Wait for RTC APB registers synchronisation */ RTC_WaitForSynchro(); /* Calendar Configuration with LSI supposed at 32KHz */ RTC_InitStructure.RTC_AsynchPrediv = 0x7F; RTC_InitStructure.RTC_SynchPrediv = 0xFF; /* (32KHz / 128) - 1 = 0xFF*/ RTC_InitStructure.RTC_HourFormat = RTC_HourFormat_24; RTC_Init(&RTC_InitStructure); return RTC_Error; } But It won't count up when device running. X2 crytal is mounted 32.768kHz/6pF, C23/C24 Capacitors are 6.8pF. and also VBAT is powerd by 3V coin cell. R53/R54 are shorted. Is this careless oversight? Tyro2014-08-22 7:40 AM
But It won't count up when device running.
X2 crystal is mounted 32.768kHz/6pF, C23/C24 Capacitors are 6.8pF.
and also VBAT is powered by 3V coin cell. R53/R54 are shorted.
Is this careless oversight? SB16 and SB17 removed? Can you see it the oscillator functioning? Directly, and then indirectly via MCO, or TIM (9 or 12 as I recall) R52 removed for battery?
2014-08-22 3:54 PM
>SB16 and SB17 removed? Can you see it the oscillator functioning? Directly, and >then indirectly via MCO, or TIM (9 or 12 as I recall)
Removed. I don't have Osilloscope on hand just now, but can use it in workspace. I'll try it. >R52 removed for battery? R52 has already removed. I guess, X2(32.768kHz crystal) must be mounted on the DISCO's first lot. In the present lot, ST omitts X2 mount for costdown? Because X2 exists at UM1670 User Manual DocID025175 Rev 1 which is downloadable still now. and, we can find at rtc.h as: /* Exported constants -----------------------------------------------*/ #define RTC_CLOCK_SOURCE_LSE //#define RTC_CLOCK_SOURCE_HSE //#define RTC_CLOCK_SOURCE_LSI but RTC_CLOCK_SOURCE_LSE is not used in FW_V1.0.1. Is #ifdef deleted? So, I think that applicable source code must be described in STM32F429I-Discovery_FW_V1.0.0 or before. tyro2014-08-23 11:23 PM
Supposably problem solved...
There was no
in the source code.
I tried LSE after LSI drive but I forgot presence of active VBAT by coin cell. I just noticed when insert following code and working well on LSE: int8_t RTC_Configuration(void) { ... PWR_BackupAccessCmd(ENABLE); /* Reset RTC Domain */ RCC_BackupResetCmd(ENABLE); // insert then problem solved, and RCC_BackupResetCmd(DISABLE); // already commented out for normal operation RCC_LSEConfig(RCC_LSE_ON); ... } I need more validation about backup domain.Thank you for your answer clive1.