2015-01-22 12:40 AM
We already have a product which uses an STM32F427ZIT: For our latest development we are in need of an external RAM. It would be great to control an SDRAM that hosts 128Mbit of memory (Organization
2M word x 16 Bit x 4 Bank
). However we started to configure that 427 in STM32CUBEMX and it looks like it supports SDRAM. When I compile a test project in �Vision 5 and check the Debugger I only see FSMC in the peripheral view. I searched a bit and only found examples using the STM32F429ZIT with external SDRAM (like the evaluation board). I was confused by this and checked the datasheet and there was no straight word on SDRAM support. Different sources say that you need a 429/439 for SDRAM. I contacted my FAE but unfortunately he did not reply yet. What is the common word on this issue? Will my 427 support SDRAM? #sdram #sdram-solved2015-01-22 2:38 AM
and data sheet says it does. The 427 does not support the TFT-LCD option. The SDRAM would be part of the FMC2015-01-22 2:47 AM
That sounds great. I'm still wondering why µVision does not display the FMC of the 427 then. I can only access the FSMC. Maybe it's just a typo on their side. I'm curious to see what my FAE says.
2015-01-22 2:53 AM
I'm still wondering why µVision does not display the FMC of the 427 then.
A conversation to be had with Keil Support, probably just a oversight in the target database.2015-01-22 5:30 AM
After discussion with STM32CubeMX team, it turned out that this limitation (missing FMC in view register) related to the toolchain itself, and not the generated project by STM32CubeMX tool.Regards,Heisenberg.2015-01-22 5:58 AM
Okay that makes sense to me. I had a look at KEIL's SVD files that come with the DFP. Version 1.0.8 and even the latest 2.2.0 does not have a FMC menu item in the debugger. I informed them to check their toolchain.
2016-03-12 1:50 AM
2016-03-12 5:03 AM
Honestly this seems off-topic, and should have been in a new thread.
The data suggests you have some of the Dx lines shorted, and you seems to be at least two address bits short on the address bus. You'd need to review the schematic/design.2016-03-13 10:38 AM
I found 1 short.
The board has no other shorts. Log and my shematic in attach. (8bit, 16bit, 32bit). I checked availability signal by oscilloscope (bandwidth 70MHz: I know that not good, but...). I change all time settings by +1 (exlude LoadToActiveDelay): same result. Excuse me for my English. ________________ Attachments : ram_log_130316.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0it&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bcy%2FA5KM3afDYWVOC_QhCXcHNCaFFTUCV0Mr4ZxIEsZdXHo&asPdf=false2016-03-13 1:20 PM
Seem to totally miss configuring PG2 as A12, might perhaps explain writing 0x2003 to +0x0003
The schematic data side is cropped, would look for open circuit or continuity of D13 (PD8)