2015-10-02 4:41 AM
Hi, I'm trying to understand a Note from Reference Manual page 665. It state:
''The V
pin can be freed by disabling the V
sensing option. This is done by setting the
NOVBUSSENS bit in the OTG_FS_GCCFG register. In this case the V
is considered
internally to be always at V
valid level (5 V).''
It does mean that I can leave PA9 pin with no conection (Vusb) to anithing and make USB device to work ok? just configuring NOVBUSSENS bit? Thank!2015-10-02 6:58 AM
Hi elgarbe,
Yes, this is the purpose of the NOVBUSSENS bit - if you know that the VBUS is present (for example if you are bus-powered), you can use this bit to free the PA9 -Syrine-2015-10-02 7:15 AM
and what happend if my board is dual powered, USB (if it is connected) and external power supply? do I have to put 5V on PA9?