2012-10-13 7:43 AM
i have stm32 discovery board(stm32f407vgt6) and a new stm32f407vgt6 ic.i want to program the new stm32f407vgt6 ic.so i change the hardware settings in my discovery board.In discovery board contains STM32F103C8T6 and stm32f407vgt6.STM32F103C8T6 connected to stm32f407vgt6 through:1.TCK/SWCLK-PA142.TMS/SWDIO-PA133.T_NRST-NRST4.T_SWO-PB35.MCOBYso i break the setting of discovery between STM32F103C8T6 and stm32f407vgt6.now i set the new setting between STM32F103C8T6 of discovery and my new stm32f407vgt6 according to the old setting of the discovery.now i get the 50 percent positive result.That means i can connect the device( new stm32f407vgt6) via stm32 st-link utility software.it reads device and device id of the new stm32f407vgt6.but it gives warning .i attached the png file about warning.please find it.i cannot read the memory.give any suggestion in my connection. #wait-for-you--clive1-!-!-! #wait-for-you #wait-for-you--clive1-!-!-!2012-10-16 3:47 AM
where i get the reference manual regarding readout protection?
2012-10-16 4:03 AM
where i get the reference manual regarding readout protection?
2012-10-16 4:31 AM
2012-10-16 6:34 AM
but what the use of the level 2 protection for us.
I'm not you what use it is to you, but it's purpose is to prevent front door reverse engineering attacks. Disable = RDP Zero, this is what you want for debugging/development.2012-10-16 6:46 AM
it's purpose is to prevent front door reverse engineering attacks.
oh ok clive1.always thanks for your reply.:)
2012-10-16 7:10 AM
I believe older STM part allowed for an removal of level 2 protection, by initiating a mass erase upon changing the option bytes.
This would be not 'save' IMHO. As a mass erase take some time and requires larger amount of energy, an attacker could probably have removed the power supply immediately after resetting. This would have erased the option bytes, but not the main Flash. I think other vendors like NXP have this self-lockout 'option', too.2012-10-16 8:01 AM
thanks fm :)..for your comment
2012-10-16 11:30 PM
thanks fm :)..for your comment
Nevermind. I've been some years in this business - do you think I never destroyed any part ? Sh*t happens. The only important thing is, that you learn from it ...2012-10-17 3:36 AM
yes i learned