2012-10-16 3:03 AM
I am using a STM32F103RC and successfully can access a 16GB SD card via SDIO.Every single try on a 32GB SD card fails.Is there some limitation? because any code I found (SDIO) works ok with <16GB and fails with 32GB...Any ideas?Thanks,Frank2012-10-16 6:37 AM
These would be SDHC Cards, they address differently, and a lot of ST's code has a 32-bit 4GB limitation as it tries to byte address the data rather than block address it.
2012-10-16 9:12 AM
Can you give me a link to a demo code that works with 32GB SDHC cards?
2012-10-16 10:36 AM
I'd have to check what I have for the F2 and F4, nothing here for the F1 although you might be able to back port it.
The last 32GB SanDisk Mobile Ultra microSDHC card is in my phone, will need to get some more.2012-10-16 12:32 PM
The STM32F4-Discovery USB Mass Storage Controller works fine with 32GB MicroSDHC
FatFs alsohttps://docs.google.com/open?id=0B7OY5pub_GfIcU1XTDFDRlptZDg
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/SanDisk+-+Mobile+Ultra+32GB+microSDHC+Class+6+Memory+Card/3695074.p?id=1218427115873&skuId=3695074&st=micro sdhd&cp=1&lp=2
Packaging reports Class 102012-10-16 12:39 PM
2012-10-16 5:25 PM
They are all more similar than they are different. I'm just not hugely invested in the F1 at this point.
What are you using as the basis of your code? STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0\Utilities\STM32_EVAL\Common\stm32_eval_sdio_sd.c Is there anything interesting about the hardware implementation, or card? How exactly is it failing? Are then any error codes?