2012-10-13 7:43 AM
i have stm32 discovery board(stm32f407vgt6) and a new stm32f407vgt6 ic.i want to program the new stm32f407vgt6 ic.so i change the hardware settings in my discovery board.In discovery board contains STM32F103C8T6 and stm32f407vgt6.STM32F103C8T6 connected to stm32f407vgt6 through:1.TCK/SWCLK-PA142.TMS/SWDIO-PA133.T_NRST-NRST4.T_SWO-PB35.MCOBYso i break the setting of discovery between STM32F103C8T6 and stm32f407vgt6.now i set the new setting between STM32F103C8T6 of discovery and my new stm32f407vgt6 according to the old setting of the discovery.now i get the 50 percent positive result.That means i can connect the device( new stm32f407vgt6) via stm32 st-link utility software.it reads device and device id of the new stm32f407vgt6.but it gives warning .i attached the png file about warning.please find it.i cannot read the memory.give any suggestion in my connection. #wait-for-you--clive1-!-!-! #wait-for-you #wait-for-you--clive1-!-!-!2012-10-13 7:22 PM
I'm not even sure you need to connect all those pins, the board breaks out an SWD connector, and a method to break the on-board connections.
You should check the power connections on your target device. You should also try to disable RDP on the target as it is complaining about that.2012-10-14 10:26 PM
yes clive1.i checked the power connections on my target device.
And how can i disable RDP on the target device???2012-10-14 10:29 PM
May i set any hardware setting for my target in boot0 pin?
2012-10-15 6:54 AM
And how can i disable RDP on the target device???
ST-Link Utilities -> Target -> Option Bytes -> Read Out Protection2012-10-15 6:56 AM
May i set any hardware setting for my target in boot0 pin?
In so much as you can disable read out protection by sending the right commands to the System Loader via the USART. Review documentation and Flash Loader Demonstrator
2012-10-15 7:20 AM
i change the setting of the ST-Link Utilities -> Target -> Option Bytes -> Read Out Protection.
error is showed like ''no internal command''2012-10-15 7:24 AM
if i set the protection level 2 for the target device.after that i got the error like ''NO TARGET CONNECTED''.here after i cannot access the
????2012-10-15 10:09 PM
now i mistakenly set the protection level 2 in option byte dialog box in the st-link utility.now i get the error like ''no target connected''.how do i change the setting again(protection level 0)???please give any suggestion.
2012-10-16 12:38 AM
now i mistakenly set the protection level 2 in option byte dialog box ...
how do i change the setting again(protection level 0)???please give any suggestion.
Look at the reference manual regarding readout protection what that means. You can throw this part in the bin, or make a trinket from it.