2015-05-17 02:25 AM
Hey guys!
I have an STM32F407VG on my board. I am able to bring it to the dfu mode.Then I am able to flash it using DfuSe (http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1533/PF257916) or using the dfu-util for Linux. Both report to have successfully completed the download.My whole command is: dfu-util -d 0x0483:0xdf11 -c 1 -i 0 -a0 -s 0x08000000 -D my.binwith those: -d --device vendor:product Specify Vendor/Product ID of DFU device -p --path bus-port. ... .port Specify path to DFU device -c --cfg config_nr Specify the Configuration of DFU device -i --intf intf_nr Specify the DFU Interface number -a --alt alt Specify the Altsetting of the DFU InterfaceNow when I powercycle my STM32, it doesn't seem to boot at all. RTC-Oscillator does not run, LEDs that should instantly blink do not blink. And most important (since all those could fail because of bad software): DfuSe does not recognize the STM32 in Application mode.Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong and holding the STM32 back from normally booting?Thanks and best regards,Noah2015-05-17 07:16 AM
And this is why we have debuggers..
The code is broken in some fashion, or compiled for the wrong address. Use a .HEX file rather that .BIN, and make sure the vector table at 0x08000000 is correct/valid. Check also the BOOTx pin states. The STM32 does not start external oscillators, this is done manually in code. Make sure NRST is not driven High with PP drivers, or remains low. Is it in a loop waiting for a crystal or PLL to start? Can you instrument the code starting at the Reset Handler to determine the code flow and where it ends up.