2018-06-15 8:35 PM
I connected my STM32F407G-DISC1 to the PC and when i opened the keil IDE and checked the debug adapter unit in the target settings. It was listed as ST-LINK/V2-1 but I see in the Discovery kit user manual that it is supposed to be ST-LINK/V2-A. How can I change this? Thank you!
2018-06-16 12:49 AM
Does it not program the board?
2018-06-16 9:17 PM
It does program and debugging is also happening but I am not able to connect to the UART2 of the board via the stlink virtual com port.
2018-06-17 4:22 AM
The boards I've seen don't physically connect the VCP pins to anything
2018-06-17 4:49 AM
How can I change this?'
1. see if you can upgrade to a firmware version that supports what you want to do. you will need to figure out if the uart pins on the target are routed to the correct stlink pins;
2. pick a board that supports that. nucleo boards are nice in this regard.
on a side note, some later discovery boards indeed support virtual comm ports, even if the manuals say that they don't.
2018-06-17 6:05 AM
So the only way i can communicate between usart2 and the host PC is using USB to UART converter?
2018-06-17 6:40 AM
Depends what the end goals are here. If you just want debug output, then the SWV via the PB3 SWO pin would be viable.
A USB-to-CMOS Serial adapter to one of the USART would be one method.
You could implement a USB-VCP on the F4, and connect to the USB port on the south end of the board.
2018-06-17 7:32 AM
I updated the firmware and everything else that could be done i did. the stm32f407G-DISC1 stlink VCP connected to the UART2
2018-06-17 7:37 AM
My end goal here is to be able to send commands to the USART2. for which i am using the USB-to-CMOS serial adapter. A more elegant solution would be to use the USB-VCP. I am successfully transmitting and receiving data, but I havnt been able to figure out how to connect the USART to it though.
2018-06-17 9:35 AM
I don't think the ST-LINK VCP gets beyond the pins of the STM32F103 part, so you'd need to solder wires to pin. The STM32F4-DISC1 seems to have been a modification of the original DISCO version, but the designers only got half way through the process before ordering the boards.
Unless there is something compelling about the STM32F4-DISC series boards you really need, look seriously at the NUCLEO-F429ZI board. The VCP works, and the shield USART pins don't conflict.
As mentioned by dhenry there are other newer DISCO/NUCLEO boards providing mbed support and a functional VCP-USART connection.