2019-04-24 2:30 AM
there is my setup, the RTC get time works fine
void rtc_wakeup_setup()
// set wakeup clock
// Disable the wake-up counter
printk("wakeup block begin\n");
// Wait for the RTC WUTWF flag is set or timeout
int wait = RTC_INIT_TIMEOUT;
while (!(STM32F4_RTC_ISR & STM32F4_RTC_ISR_WUTWF) && --wait);
return 1;
printk("will sett wutr\n");
//STM32F4_RTC_WUTR = 30;
printk("before set CR %08X\n", STM32F4_RTC_CR);
// disable alarm a
STM32F4_RTC_CR &= ~(1<<8);
STM32F4_RTC_CR &= (uint32_t)~(7); // clear lowest 3bits
STM32F4_RTC_CR |= 0x00000005;
printk("after clear alarma WUCKSEL CR value %08X\n", STM32F4_RTC_CR);
printk("WUTR %08X\n", STM32F4_RTC_WUTR);
STM32F4_RTC_ISR &= ~STM32F4_RTC_ISR_WUTF; // clear Wakeup timer flag
STM32F4_RTC_CR |= STM32F4_RTC_CR_WUTE; // enable wakeup timer
STM32F4_RTC_CR &= ~(1<<12);
printk("**CR %08X \n", STM32F4_RTC_CR);
//STM32F4_RTC_ISR &= ~(1<<7); // exit init mode
printk("isr value %08x \n", STM32F4_RTC_ISR);
uint32_t EXIT_PR = *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40013C14;
EXIT_PR = (uint32_t)1<<22;
printk("clear line 22 exit flag \n");
(*(volatile uint32_t*)0x40013C00) |= (1<<22);
(*(volatile uint32_t*)0x40013C08) |= (1<<22);
(*(uint32_t*)0xE000ED0C) = 0x05FA0000 | 0x400;
(*(uint8_t*)0xE000E403) = 0xe0;
// nvic enable interrupter number
// 0xE000E100
(*(volatile uint32_t*)0xE000E100) |= (1<<3);
the handler code
#pragma GCC push_options
#pragma GCC optimize ("O0")
rtems_isr rtc_wakeup_handler(rtems_vector_number vector)
uint32_t STM32F4_RTC_ISR = (*(volatile uint32_t *)(0x4000280C));
// clear 10bit
if(STM32F4_RTC_ISR & (1<<10))
STM32F4_RTC_ISR &= ~(1<<10);
STM32F4_RTC_ISR &= 0xfffffbff;
volatile uint32_t EXIT_PR = *(volatile uint32_t*)0x40013C14;
printk("before clr %08x\n", EXIT_PR);
EXIT_PR |= 1<<22;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) i = i + 1 - 1;
printk(" %08x\n", EXIT_PR);
#pragma GCC pop_options
once it enters wakeup handler, it stuck in it , output lot log here (wakeup interrupt happens too frequently). change RTC_WUTR does not effect log output speed.
i cant clear the EXIT_PR bit but i dont know why
2019-04-24 9:05 AM
I never used rtems, but i have checked RTC config and seems ok
Is it sure that the "vector" of the ISR concerns RTC and not some other interrupt?
Near the end of Log i observed some "illegal" characters . Is there enough stack? Stack usage checked at the beginning , not after the "ISR flood"
2019-04-24 6:27 PM
rtc_wakeup_handler is for wakeup interrupt
log some "illegal" characters because i power the board off,
volatile uint32_t EXIT_PR = *(volatile uint32_t*)0x40013C14;
printk("before clr exit_pr %08x\n", EXIT_PR);
if(EXIT_PR & (1<<22))
EXIT_PR |= 1<<22;
EXIT_PR |= 1<<22;
EXIT_PR |= 1<<22;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) i = i + 1 - 1;
printk("the test i %d\n", i);
printk(" %08x\n", EXIT_PR);
i cant clear the EXIT_PR bit but i dont know why