2015-04-25 7:49 AM
Hi, I have made a project and I want to control some parameter's values from my pc's screen using usb communication.. Is there any easy way to make a simple GUI and control these values?
PS: I've never made a GUI before, I am new in these paths so even some tutorials or sample codes would be appreciated!Thanks in advance!2015-04-25 8:11 AM
Microsoft has a number of languages and tools for developing desktop applications.
2015-04-25 8:26 AM
Is any of these compatible with STM32F4? Have you used any?
2015-04-25 11:44 AM
Well I digged a bit deeper into this subject and I found out that many projects use ethernet and Qt creator.. My board has no ethernet compatibility and I can't find any example code using Qt on stm32f4..
Any help appreciated!2015-04-25 12:28 PM
Windows has no specific need to know anything about the processor on your device. Look for generic solutions using built-in drivers, and USB HID, or others. Perhaps there are some Visual Basic or C# examples. People use Ethernet, or specifically TCP/IP, so the can provide an interface via a HTTP web page.
I've used Microsoft C to build console application, GUI applications as well as port/filter drivers, and file system drivers. That's a bit outside the scope of this forum.