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STM32F407: Each stream is connected to dedicated hardware DMA requests,…

M G_2
Associate III
Posted on April 19, 2018 at 15:14

Dear Community,

I want to know (for STM32F407) which DMA streams I can connect to peripheral hardware. From example-codes I know for example that SPI2 interconnects to DMA1_Stream4. The datasheet states: “Each stream is connected to dedicated hardware DMA requests,…â€� Nice to know that  connections are only working with “dedicated hardwareâ€� however the important information “whichâ€� stream connects to which hardware is missing. If someone knows the page of the datasheet or the reference containing a table or matrix showing the available connections between dma and peripheral hardware I would be glad if he/she would post the page number here.

Posted on April 19, 2018 at 15:59

The Reference Manual, DMA section ?

M G_2
Associate III
Posted on April 19, 2018 at 16:08

Hi & thankyou for replying.

meanwhile I've found the pages I am searching for: its inside the  reference manual page 307 / 308. Since the headline is 'Channel selection' and not e.g. 'Stream selection' one can easly overlook this important information.