2014-07-10 10:35 PM
Hi All,
Can I program a STM32F401 mcu using STM32F407 Discovery board (STM32 ST-Link Utility is used for loading hex file).Currently I am getting a Unknown Device ID error Please let me know if any one had this issue before, Or Is there any changes in utility program.Regards,Dibin #stm32f407-discovery2014-07-11 4:50 AM
Do you have the most current release of the utilities, and have you updated the st-link firmware?
If there is an issue with your 401/board you might need to look at that. Try pulling boot0 high. Have you disconnected the 407 properly?2014-07-13 10:13 PM
Hi Clive,
1. Yes I have updated the ST-LINK Utility2. boot0 to high is also tried .3. I can program other 407 mcu but cant connect 401.So I am sure that there is nothing wrong with 407 Discovery Board.Is there any thing in the 401mcu that plays a role in device detection?Regards,Dibin2014-07-14 2:41 AM
Hi Clive ,
Issue Solved.I downloaded the latest ST-LINK utility and with new s/w all working fine.ST Should note down this issue.Like their ST_LINK update is not working for new mcusRegards,Dibin2014-07-14 5:16 AM
Software rarely addresses future design changes, standard practice is to get current software to address any changes.
The other things to look for if parts do not come up is that the part is properly powered (digital+analogue), and if it is responsive to USART System Loader commands.