2012-08-04 7:02 AM
Board:Stm32F407 Discovery(stm32f407vgt6) i play with my discovery using two uarts.They are Uart4 and Uart5. Uart4 is used for receiving the string from RFid sensor using uart4 interrupt.RFid sensor is grand idea studioThe RFID Reader Module
(parallax) And another Uart5 is used for sending the received string (already stored in buffer) to hiper terminal.i did not get the result.any one to suggest or give any other technique to get the result.i attached my code here.you may refer it. your technique code also useful for me to take another step for me.And also attached my screen shot of hiper terminal. #stm32f407-discovery-uart2012-08-04 12:25 PM
''Uart5 is used for sending the received string (already stored in buffer) to hiper (sic) terminal.''
Hyperterminal is a PC application - so how are you connecting the UART to the PC? Remember that a PC COM: port uses RS-232 levels...2012-08-05 9:26 PM
I have uart to rs 232 converter.so i connected uart5 of my discovery to pc
2012-08-06 12:02 PM
So what debugging - including harware tests - have you done so far...?
2012-08-06 12:25 PM
You seem to have attached a number of standard library files, and not some of the include files unique to your project, along with a subset of your files. Please always ZIP up and attach a stand-alone, complete, buildable example if you want someone to dig through it.
The BMP is badly cropped, I'm not sure what information is being conveyed. HyperTerminal is a pretty awful application, Tera-Term or Real-Term. I'll note that when writing to the TX register you should front test whether the register is empty, not back test it to see it has been consumed. Do some debugging, perhaps output some strings, or make a simple monitor program so you can interact with your boards and devices. Be cognizant that the STM32F4-Discovery board has an 8 MHz external crystal, and a lot of the example code assumes a different board with a 25 MHz crystal, and will thus get the PLL and baud rate settings fouled up.