2018-10-15 12:33 PM
2018-10-21 10:00 PM
Lots of great ideas. I previously didn't state clearly what does and doesn't work, my firmware update works and completes without errors. When I wrote: "it isn't connecting to the target." I meant the target chip target, not the USB dongle target- sorry about that. Anyway, I have some level of confidence in the Windows 10, St link/v2 dongle, cable, and drivers.
Looking at whats working and not working I'm thinking I need to spend more time figuring out how to control the STM32 code I have and the st-link target configuration page.
Thanks a bunch for looking at this thread and making suggestions that illuminated my unclear statement.
2018-10-29 8:29 PM
I haven't been around for a few days- sorry. Looking at my ST-Link issue some more I'm beginning to believe it must be an install issue of some sort. The target-settings page starts with a serial number in the serial number box. This box changes to an OLD firmware/ST-LINK already used error. A jpeg of this is attached. I've been reading the um0892 manual, this behavior isn't discussed. Does anyone know this error?
2018-11-05 10:07 PM
I've been successfully using dfu to do most of what I needed to do. My stlink/v2 trouble may be caused by something related to a test reinstall having an error on this 32 bit PC. I'll try the 64bit machine when I get time.