2015-02-05 3:26 AM
HELLO. My Name's Giorgio and i have a problem with this card. When i connect the card ,my pc doesn't detect the card. The card turns off 3 lights by USB link: 1- Com ,2-PWR 3-LD4 .Trough my Operating system and others i can't work on my card . Is it possible that the card has in its memory aan old program? Before it has programmed by my friend and i think that in my card's memory is yet a program and it can't onterface with the pc. Isthere a method to reset the card via elettrically mode beacuse via pc it isn't possible
2015-02-05 8:03 AM
When i connect the card ,my pc doesn't detect the card.
I guess it does - check in the device manager (or lsusb on *nix). It just can't deal with it. You need to install the ST-Link driver from the ST website. Try this (WinXP .. Win7):
2015-02-05 9:17 AM
Although poorly stated, I will assume you have a DISCO or NUCELO board.
If you want to stop it running user code, you'd strap the BOOT(0) pin to VDD (3V). This will not reset/erase the part, but would permit you to use ST-LINK Utilities to erase and load different firmware. The ST-LINK functionality would be dependent on you loading drivers, and if Windows 8.x, that those drivers are signed.