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STM32f4 Standby Mode example Problem

Posted on July 05, 2014 at 10:50


I started working with STM32f4 by STM32F4-Discovery Board.

The first Document that I started using it is firmware example.

But in Standby Mode example I've encountered with some problem with my ST_LINK

After I build PWR_STANDBY Project and program flash, when I run in debug mode the ST-Link is disconnected and the LED on Board that related to Board is get orange.

After this problem the only way is to erase flash via ST-LINK Utility.

Has Serial Wire Viewer problem whith standby mode?

Or Is something else is wrong?

Posted on July 05, 2014 at 12:25

It's very hard to use a debugger on a system that powers down or resets the processor.

The part is also going to be difficult to erase as the JTAG/SWD connection takes time to negotiate, and this will fail if the processor shuts down too quickly.

I would recommend using a serial port to provide you with system status and progress reporting. You could also use the LEDs on the board.
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