2013-04-10 5:51 AM
Am programming an STM32F4 Discovery on eclipse , i staeted with the IO_Toggle example but i got this errors : Symbol 'GPIO_Pin_15' could not be resolved Symbol 'RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOD' could not be resolved Description Resource Path Location Type make: *** [startup_src/startup_stm32f4xx.o] Erreur 1 led_v0 C/C++ Problem Can someone help me. Regards, Dorra Can someone tell me how to resolve this problem #no-such-things-as-a-free-lunch2013-04-10 7:07 AM
Sounds like a problem with include files from the library.
Perhaps your use of stm32f4xx.h, and if it is pulling in stm32f4xx_gpio.h, or stm32f4xx_conf.h2013-04-10 7:38 AM
i ve alredy resolved the two errors by adding
stm32f4xx_gpio.h stm32f4xx_rcc.h but i still have make: *** [startup_src/startup_stm32f4xx.o] Erreur 1 What should i do2013-04-10 7:46 AM
Symbol 'RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOD' could not be resolved
This is a linker error, and it means there is no such symbol (function is missing). You need to add (at least) the files: stm32f4xx_rcc.c, stm32f4xx_gpio.c and misc.c from folder .../<your_STM32F4Lib>/Libraries/STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver/src to the project.2013-04-10 7:51 AM
2013-04-10 8:03 AM
startup_stm32f4xx.s should be an assembler file, I don't know why it would have GPIO code in it. I have seen some C implementations, but this isn't how most of us are using STM32 parts, or developing start up code.
Do you need to rename it with a ''.S'' instead of a ''.s'', I've encountered a couple of GNU/GCC and makefiles that seem to be dependent on that? Open Source solutions generally move the cost burden of support to the user (self supporting), in general you'll need to learn to use the tools, and refer to the documentation.2013-04-10 8:10 AM
2013-04-10 8:36 AM
2013-04-10 9:26 AM
I did the same as this tutorial
http://shareee.netne.net/wordpress/?p=83 and i replaces .s with .S Why do i get the symbol couls not be resolved error and make: *** [startup_src/startup_stm32f40xx.o] Erreur 1 Please.2013-04-11 2:18 AM
There seems to be some issue with your project setup.
It could be helpful to tell more about your environment (toolchain) apart from just Eclipse. I can't open your link, the company gatekeeper views it as a ''threat''. Have you tried one of the directly supported toolchains (Keil, Atollic, IAR, Tasking) ?