2012-12-20 11:02 PM
I want use STM32F4 for the following:- BLDC motor servo (or AC servo motor) control with encoder resolution of 2000 pulses per revolution.- Drive touch screen 320x240 pixel display to monitor the parameters.- ... and a few other small tasks on this system.So if I using chip STM32F4, Is this appropriate or not??, and DSP in it help anything than STM32F10x?Sorry for my English.Thank you very much.2012-12-21 8:05 AM
I have all those: - I2S in full duplex, 48 khz sampling rate - 3 x 48 taps FIR filters in the I2S interrupt(via DSP lib, float32) - Ethernet PHY in MII mode, running small website - USB Host and keyboard hid device processing - 3 x Rotary Encoders via timers - 320x240 lcd via SPI, drawing 512 point FFT spectrum display, continuous All working the same time, the F407 at 168Mhz can handle it. But it need care in design, optimization, etc. BR2012-12-21 10:05 AM
2012-12-21 11:06 AM
Glad to be of help. Good luck with your project!