2015-08-23 1:47 AM
Hi guys,
i'm try to understand can bus configuration. I need to know if what is in my mind is correct.I'm using a STM32F4 discovery with the CAN1 configured on pin PD0 and PD1.I see on the forum that the CAN frequency is set at 42Mhz with the basic configuration, in fact if i go to check in the clock configuration i see that frequency under the APB1 peripheral clocks is 42 Mhz.If i go into the CAN1 configuration TAB, i have try to put this data:Prescaler=16TQ BS 1 = 14TQ BS 2 = 6SJW = 1I see that the time for one bit is 8000ns what it means? from my calculation is: 1000000ns/8000ns = 125 kbps Is this correct?2015-08-23 1:58 AM
42,000,000 / (16 * (1 + 14 + 6))
125,0002015-08-23 2:04 AM
Thank you clive, very clear