2012-12-18 11:55 AM
Hi all & seasons greetin's.
I have been using the HY32D 3.2'' TFT from China with the SSD1289.c and SSD1289.h library which I have had some nice results with thanks to MegaHercas.:)I was wondering if anyone has any idea how to change the orientation of the screen from Horizontal to Vertical.. There is a small snippet of code in the .h file that give reference to: LCD_DIR_HORIZONTAL & LCD_DIR_VERTICAL but I have no idea within which of the functions it goes.. I've tried it in LCD_CLEAR but no result.Have any of you clever people had success with this??Otherwise it works very nicely.Cheers 4 now!Steve.2012-12-19 12:29 AM
I had a similar problem 2 weeks ago when i switched from the good old Nokia 7210 LCD to HY28A with ILI9320 controller. It seems all the code is made for portrait mode (240W \320H). Not sure if you have the same controller, but there are 3 significant registers that control orientation, it is very important to read the pdf few times, just playing with the bit values blind is not easy to get result. Also if you use standard lib drawing routines - you might have to swap x and y on some of them and for some - need to be coded from scratch. BR2012-12-19 12:59 AM
You will definitely need to look at the SSD1289 datasheet.
There are usually some config registers, which define the orientation. Those TFT driver chips are very similiar, often partially identical. I could tell you how it's done on a HX8347D, but that would probably not help...2012-12-19 11:19 AM
Hi! Thanks for the info. I've had a look @ the datasheet and found that command register 11 is the Entry Mode register. I've included attachments of the pages. I'm not entirely sure if I would need to change just this one register ( the AM bit ) or i am on the wrong track..?.. Would this be similar to the HX8347D??
________________ Attachments : entryssd1289.bmp : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hzno&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bQA%2FcthlLcdGAO56qI6KvDkQRjg_rur9IUf_6HqqDRbJp0I&asPdf=falseentryssd2.bmp : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HznK&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bQ8%2F25HbSF1aUFJPLD4skuxA5uZMI6yWaYBiQWtsapU1wkY&asPdf=false2012-12-19 11:42 AM
I'm not entirely sure if I would need to change just this one register ( the AM bit )
I think so. This far-east manuals are often a hard read. I'm not entirely new in this business, but the expression ''porch'' for the display orientation is new to me. But if the code is working so far, you can experiment easily with different settings. Not sure how you interface your display, but the ''windowing'' can speed up operations considerably. Setting a window of either height or width of 1 allows for fast line drawing, by just ''filling'' the colour into it. My display has a (hardwired) 8-bit bit/byte banging interface, so this method is much faster than setting pixels individually.
2013-08-06 2:05 PM
Hi scutt;
I did have the same issue and solved it. So try the follwing modifs:in SSD1289.h add:#define DISP_ORIENTATION 90 /* angle 0 90 */ #if ( DISP_ORIENTATION == 90 ) || ( DISP_ORIENTATION == 270 ) #define MAX_X 320 #define MAX_Y 240 #elif ( DISP_ORIENTATION == 0 ) || ( DISP_ORIENTATION == 180 ) #define MAX_X 240 #define MAX_Y 320 #endifin SSD1289.c modify the function: LCD_SetCursor():void LCD_SetCursor(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos){#if ( DISP_ORIENTATION == 90 ) || ( DISP_ORIENTATION == 270 ) uint16_t temp = Xpos; Xpos = Ypos; Ypos = ( MAX_X - 1 ) - temp; #endif LCD_WriteReg(0x004e, Xpos ); LCD_WriteReg(0x004f, Ypos ); }If you want to change the orientation, you should modify the define: #define DISP_ORIENTATION 90 /* 0, 90, 180 or 270 degree */Hope this helps ;)STM322013-10-19 6:36 AM
I've just received a similar lcd with ssd1289 controller, can i ask you for code? is it requiring an external ram chip?
Fabio2013-10-19 8:19 AM
is it requiring an external ram chip?
It has an internalhttp://www.solomon-systech.com/en/product/display-ic/smart-tft-lcd-driver-controller/ssd1289/
, so beyond any bitmaps/textures probably not.