2015-03-10 9:38 AM
I'm trying to use the USB of STM32F373RCT6 at 2.0V with the mass storage device code generated from STM32CubeMX. The board is ok with a power supply above 2.4V. With a power supply under 2.4V the device is unknown under Windows. I haven't see any limitation on datasheet about USB running at 2V. Can you confirm the USB can run at 2V? Thanks !2015-03-12 5:14 AM
> I haven't see any limitation on datasheet about USB running at 2V.
You are missing this section of the datasheet http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/datasheet/DM00046749.pdf6.3.23 USB characteristics (p107) VDD: USB operating voltage -- 3.0 (min), 3.6 (max) volt3. The STM32F3xxx USB functionality is ensured down to 2.7 V but not the full USB electrical characteristics which are degraded in the 2.7-to-3.0 V VDD voltage range. Tsuneo