2016-04-17 08:19 PM
Hi Everyone.
Its been a while between projects, and I'm still on the learning curve with STM32.I now I want to include the DSP library in my project STM32F3.
I have downloaded the DSP_Lib from ST, it came with the STDP library, and I have created a new project within System Workbench, but I keep getting all kinds of errors when I try to bring the dsp library into my project. The documentation I’ve found so far deals with the library itself, and I cant seem to get the information on how to actually include it in my project.
Can anyone please help out with some direction on what I have to do to get this dsp lib to work in my project, or point me to the documentation which deals with this issue?
Thanks for your help.
kvresto2016-04-18 05:44 AM
Hello k.kvresto,
Try to add the proper CMSIS DSP library into your project if you want to use the DSP lib.Just ensure that your project has include libraries pathing set up correctly.You can also look at this , it may help you or this thread.If you still have link errors, please share them.Regards2016-04-18 05:52 AM
ok, just had to fix the path.