2014-01-15 2:21 PM
I am trying to move some code from STM32F1 to F3 and having problems with CAN bus initialisation.My custom board has the STM32F303CC Cpu with a 32MHz crystal. CAN initialisation times-out on waiting for CAN_MSR_INAK when leaving initialisation mode in CAN_Init() function of the standard peripheral library.I have a discovery board which has the STM32F303VC CPU on it and the same code from above runs fine. Thinking it was perhaps a crystal problem, I tried just using the HSI instead - same result.I have gone over the hardware a few times and I am lost for ideas - any help appreciated :).R2014-01-15 3:46 PM
Solved: Pin differences between the two devices meant using GPIO_AF_9 instead of GPIO_AF_7 :D