2016-09-19 7:47 AM
Hi, I have some code running when on a certain condition, it goes into standby.
I have pre-configured the RTC to wake the processor after 30 seconds. Everything works as expected except if cycle the power whilst its in standby.If i remove supply for a 1 second and re-apply, the processor is stuck in standby and the only way to get it out is to remove the supply for about 3 seconds then re-apply. I get that its probably due to so little current being drawn that supply does not collapse quick enough but should this crash the RTC alarm and prevent a reset?I have tried external and internal RTC oscillator configurations and I have tried turning on the Brown out but I can still get the processor to lock up in standby. Other than fitting an external brownout IC is there a way to prevent these lock ups?Thanks2016-09-19 8:32 AM
Are you sure it is not just stuck in your code somewhere? I'd probably look to set some GPIO/USART in the ResetHandler, and check for unbounded loops in the SystemInit(), and early main()
2016-09-20 8:12 AM
I'm pretty sure it's stuck in standby and not in a while loop because the current being drawn is nearly 0 (which is the same as standby current consumption)
2016-09-20 2:26 PM
Tell us more on how the power and ground pins are connected.