2012-06-30 6:22 AM
I'am using two STM32F207IG with the UART1's configured as RS232 (8n1,115200, no flowcontrol, asynch) connected via null-modem.Each 10 �s the master sends a byte to the slave (status bit USART_SR_TC is set).My problem:Only at every second received byte the status bit USART_SR_IDLE is set.I can't fix, if this a a problem of the master/transmitter of slave/receiver.Regards,Holger #usart-uart2012-06-30 6:56 AM
Get a scope and confirm you have a frame of idle time between the bytes. The assertion of TC means the last bit exited the shift register, you'd need to wait ~10 bit times beyond that to meet the idle criterion of the receiver.
2012-06-30 7:17 AM
even if I set the time between two bytes to 10 seconds, I get the same result.
bytes 1,3,5,... IDLE Flag clearedbytes 2,4,6,... IDLE Flag setI have no scope - see you another way to fix this problem?Holger2012-06-30 11:01 AM
''I have no scope''
Trying to do embedded development without a scope is a bit like trying to do carpentry without a saw...