2011-12-12 7:08 AM
I'm using the ST libraries to initialize the IWDG with following code: IWDG_WriteAccessCmd(IWDG_WriteAccess_Enable); IWDG_SetPrescaler(IWDG_Prescaler_128); IWDG_SetReload(0x400); IWDG_ReloadCounter(); IWDG_Enable(); after 3 seconds the watchdog should make an reset, but the reset fails (no watchdog timeout). I have tested the code on an other board (different hardware) with the same cpu, and on this hardware the IWDG reset is working does anyone have any idea ? Thanks, Harald2011-12-12 7:35 AM
does anyone have any idea ?
Without looking at the board, one might guess that the reset pin is clamped high (driven by an external push-pull driver), and thus can't reset. If LSI wasn't working, it would be a problem, but with IWDG enabled you shouldn't be able to turn off the LSI. It might be possible to alter the IWDG with some of the debugger options.
2011-12-12 9:44 AM
yes, there were placed the wrong resistors on reset circuit. After changing to the correct values the IWDG is working as expected. Harald