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Associate II
Posted on February 23, 2010 at 19:44


Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:41

Any idea how to manage an isochornous EP in STM32F107 ?

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:41

Isochronous IN EPs do not work in current OTG USB library. ST has promised that this will be fixed in future releases. I don't know the schedule for this.

I need isochr. IN EPs in my project too, but I also have so many other things to do that I haven't debugged ST usb otg code very much. Actually it has some other problems as, these have been discussed in another thread.

If ST fix comes before I start to work on usb code I'll use it, if not I'll just port some other free usb device stack for stm32f107.
Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:41

I found in the last release of USB-FS firmware library a reference to an ISR handle to OTGD_FS_PTXFEmpty_ISR().

I didn't find any function in the otg libs with a similar name.

In the isr handle the for the gintr_status.b.ptxfempty is not called.

I saw that the OTGD_FS_PCD_EP_Write() function

don't raise the EP irq.

I tryed to modify the function but the doble buffering doen't works!

I'm in hurry with my project, if I find a solution I'll keep you informed

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:41

Hi stefano,

I am working on the same chip (stm32F107VC) but I cannot do anything in this chip!!! I woud like to ask you if you have an example of GPIO configuration. I want to do a simple application to flash LEDs in my eval. board which is stm3210c.

Thank you in advance.



Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:41


I'm developing USB applicaton using STM32F102C6.

I want to send data from STM chip to PC by isochronous mode.

I downloaded firmware program from wep site, named ''STM32_USB_FS_Device_Lib''.

I modify this code to send data. But it does not go into interrupt service rutine.

Is this a  same problem?

If this is a same problem, I have more question.

The question is that, The Packet that i send, was correctly transmited to PC?  

Please answer me. thank you 🙂

Senior II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:41

Do you have correct descriptors? If not, the PC will never ask for your data because it doesn't know you want to... USB is host-centric, and if the host doesn't ask, bad luck...

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:41

Yes I have the correct descriptors, (I made a similar stack for the STR912)

The problem is in the impementation of ST-USB libs.

At the moment I solved the problem sending data in bulk mode and a windows driver but I'd like to use a standard Windows Audio drivers for the final product.

I'm waiting to see the next release of USB libs 🙂 

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:41

Hi! stefano.

Did you make Windows driver?

You use WDM?

I have a same problem with you.(but i'm developing STM32F102C)

I can not use Isochronous now.

Please give me some hint. Thank you.
Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:41

Dear Hyun,

Yes I use a WDM driver model.

For the windows drivers you need to download the Windows Drives Kit  (WDK) is free.

There are a lot of sample, I'm using a customized version of the basic USB BULK sample driver. In the sample you can find also an application demo that use the driver.