2017-06-08 6:19 AM
I Have a problem using sdio(1bit) and UART4.
UART4 TX does not work when SDIO is INIT.
If SDIO is not INIT, UART4 TX work.
Please tell me how to fix it.
CUBE setting are shown below.
MX_DMA_Init(); MX_ADC1_Init(); MX_IWDG_Init(); MX_SDIO_SD_Init(); MX_SPI1_Init(); MX_SPI3_Init(); MX_UART4_Init(); MX_USART1_UART_Init(); MX_USART2_UART_Init(); MX_USART3_UART_Init(); MX_FATFS_Init(); MX_TIM6_Init();HAL_UART_Transmit(&UART4, aTxBuffer, Transmit_Size,1000);
2017-06-08 6:44 AM
The F1 series has peripheral level remapping rather than pin level, I think PC10/PC11 probably have commonality between UART4 and SDIO, so they will conflict.
Consider a F2/F4 part where pin level association with specific peripherals is possible.
2017-06-08 6:50 AM
,There is alimitation related to SDIO and UART4 as mentioned in the
.Please have a look to this section :2.8.8 SDIO with USART3 remapped and UART4
Best Regards