2014-01-28 1:50 AM
I have been playing with a STM32f103rbt6 chinese board for the last few months, it's working well. I am using the SWD of my stm32F4 discovery to upload the program. Now i wanted to make my own board, so i designed one based on the schematic of this chinese board and the same micro-contrôleur, but impossible to program it... I always get a ''Can not connect to target'' error with stm32 utility. So i focused on what's is really important to just push a program with SWD, i have : -Every VDD to a 3.3V, all of them with 1uF capacitor. -All the VSS to the ground -Reset with 10k pull up -BOOT0 and BOOT1 to the ground -SWDIO to PA13 with 10k pull up -SWCLK to PA14 with 10k pull downAnything else really mandatory to upload with SWD? Do i need to add a quartz? Why some people use a 8MHz quartz and some other 8.192MHz?2014-01-28 3:54 AM
the three are pull up with 10k resistor... so that's what i did on my design
2014-01-28 4:06 AM
Let try it another way - What are your differences with the Chinese design?
2014-01-28 4:31 AM
Let try it another way - What are your differences with the Chinese design?
________________ Attachments : Schematic_STM32F103_Board.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0sA&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000ber%2FKZKDunTAA6wHVxbruGfeV5DLnhpQE5dkkC21dk2YVJU&asPdf=falseSTM32F103.png : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0s5&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bep%2FphEEzjWpPlvN1c9kqYQHA_uKuRIgUIFcnXxibM0P6IU&asPdf=false2014-01-28 4:38 AM
2014-01-28 5:08 AM
Here's how my setup looks like (due to very limited board space it's absolute minimum):
-Every VDD to a 3.3V, all of them with 100nF capacitor, -All the VSS to the ground -Reset, 100nF to GND, no pull up (according to datasheet it's already inside the chip) -BOOT0 and BOOT1 to the ground -SWDIO to PA13 no pull up -SWCLK to PA14 no pull down works just fine with STM32F4 discovery board as a debugger/programmer. if you need precise clock source (for example for USB), use external 8.000MHz, if you need Ethernet, use external 8.192MHz, otherwise you can use internal 8.000MHz2014-01-28 6:08 AM
CAN and USB need a crystal to meet specs
ETHERNET does too, but these may be on the PHY, and 50 MHz or 25 MHz, for ST designs. If you use a 25 MHz HSE you can output that via MCO1, or 25/50 via the main PLL if you run the CPU at a multiple thereof, or MCO2 if you exploit PLLI2S USB HS PHY often have 24 MHz or 26 MHz Do you have any Ethernet examples, or other boards, using 8.192 MHz? (512 KHz PCM audio?)2014-01-28 9:55 AM
2014-02-02 11:43 PM
Spend some time on the weekend to try to figure it out... no results yet. So i came back on the basics and i made a new board just to allow me to solder easily the Pin of the STM32F I wired everything like we said (RST with Pull Up, BOOT1; BOOT2, PA13 and 14 for SWD) and all the VCC/VSS with 100nF capacitor). But still no results. I start to wonder if the oven i use to melt the solder past doesn't go to strong and kill the chip (240°C should be all right for components no?) because i really don't see any other things to do. I bought the ST-Link, it should arrive soon, so i can test with the full JTAG and not only PWD, but i don't think it would change a lot... I added i picture of my board, any advice is welcome, i am quiet lost on what i should do :s ________________ Attachments : photo.JPG : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0s0&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000beo%2FEOV4XRRH2JM9ADdkjK.6D4WtQ0Hc9HdgTO_iuNoRgX4&asPdf=false2014-02-03 12:35 AM
And what net exactly is VDDA attached too? In your circuit diagram posted earlier is see a capacitor to ground, but no supply anywhere. You need an analogue supply, as it's attached to the power-on-reset circuitry.
2014-03-04 8:02 AM
Took me a while, i wasn't home last month, but i discover my problem. And it s a very stupid one :s I took the schematic on the file i attached, everything is good exept that i made my design thinking the way you turn the micro-controleur is the same as the writing of this file... so my uC was on a bad position of 90°... and of course nothing was working ^^. Its working perfectly with just few capacitors. Now i just have to draw again my PCB, and it s gonna be good!! Thanks a lot for your help and advice ________________ Attachments : STMF103RxTx_pinout.png : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0ph&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000ben%2Fj5iNxoajLcUDPEefuBpKILjfioNW2qsCdzc6MaMOWE4&asPdf=false