2016-01-07 2:05 AM
How to upgrade firmware of stm32f103 controller using over the air programming?
2016-01-07 2:19 AM
Four threads?
Suggest you review the IAP (In Application Programming) examples for your part. Build yourself a small loader that uses your specific type of 'Air' to transfer the data, and erase and write blocks of flash with this new data.2016-02-17 8:57 PM
can anybody tell me how to download a bin file to controller stm32f103rb through gsm for IAP purpose2016-02-18 5:52 AM
You'd want to look at using FTP or HTTP to connect to your file server, the modem may have high level functions to do this, or socket commands you can use to implement them.
Ideally your platform should have a place to stage the firmware image, like an SD Card, or NAND, from which you can copy and update the part using a smaller loader. The alternative is to have a larger loader capable of doing the file transfer and writing the memory directly. This requires strong flow control as the processor will stall if you attempt to execute and write using the internal flash.2016-02-18 8:48 PM
do you have some sample code so I can understand the concept.
2016-02-19 3:38 AM
do you have some sample code so I can understand the concept.
I think you are confusing concept and implementation, ie what you need to implement vs how you're going to do it. I'm not looking to do your job here, so think of a number and sending it to me.2016-02-19 4:25 AM
Also I want some idea for downloading a code from external eeprom to stm32f103 using y modem protocol
2016-02-19 9:01 AM
Yeah, I'm not thinking you need Y-Modem to do that, just routines to access your binary image in a linear fashion. Just like you'd read blocks from a file, you have a stream of binary data that represents the image you want to transfer to Internal Flash. You'd perhaps want to structure the stream so it infers length, and a checksum for integrity.
For the F4-DISCOs there were some ''FW Upgrade'' examples in the SPL releases where it would pull a file from a USB attached Flash Drive and write that into memory. I've built similar things with SD Cards, where I've taken the SDIO driver, FatFs, and some Flash Erase/Write routines to update my application space.2016-02-20 1:28 AM
2016-02-25 3:29 AM
Hi all,
I'm working on SIM900 module to upload data to server ,
i'm using AT command set to upload data through GSM modem...
when i''m trying to upload data through termnal manually it's working fine....
when i'm trying to use the same procedure and flow to develep a firm ware(for STM32 controller)
it's not working fine....
i'm getting error for two commands...
AT+SAPBR=1,1... for this command some time i'm getting response as OK and some times ERROR...
after getting ERROR when i retry the same command multiple times it's giving same responce....
AT+FTPPUT=1... for this command i'm getting responce OK followed by +FTPPUT=1,1,1360.. normally... but many times i'm getting +FTPPUT=1,61 (or)
+FTPPUT=1,77 (or)+FTPPUT=1,72 many times..... after gettingthis error i've tried many time to up load data through controller it's giving same error responce.....
Is there any solution for this.......