2015-05-29 10:09 AM
I'm having problem with stopmode. I want to wake up uC with RTC Alarm in EXTI17.But when i use stopmode with statement PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_Regulator_LowPower, PWR_STOPEntry_WFI), it didn't wait to RTC Alarm Event, it jumped in next to statements immediately. I'm using debug mode with Jtag.Could you help me to resolve that !Thank you so much !a #stm32 #stopmode2015-05-29 1:19 PM
What other interrupts do you have running? SysTick? WFI doesn't care where the interrupt came from.
2015-05-29 6:24 PM
Hi Clivel,
Thank you for your support.I fixed it. My wake up pin has another interrupt. Thank you so much !