2014-03-13 8:59 AM
I am attempting to utilize the RTC on STM32F0308-Discovery board. I imported this code from the SMT32f standard peripheral library. However, while attempting to debug, the code hangs on command
/* Wait till LSE is ready */ while(RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_LSERDY) == RESET) {}In doing some research this LSERDY != RESET when the 32.768khz crystal is stable. So my thoughts are that this is a hardware problem, perhaps the missing XTAL3 on discovery board? In checking the schematic, I found part♯ MC306-G-06Q-32.768 (JFVNY) referenced. However, I cannot find that part or an equivalent anywhere, the closest I could find was Digikey PN CTX1178TR-ND, CTS Frequency Controls, TC32C5132K7680. ($1.20) However, I am not sure if this is the same as part refenenced as the schematic shows a ckt with resistors/caps from/to each pin, this part appears to be the same footprint, but not sure if is functionally equivalent. Is there another way to implement the RTC (I need a 36 hour timer) accurate to +/- 10 or less secs per 24 hours. (Perhaps external RC ckt to pins PC 14/ PC 15?I thank you in advance.rick43065 #rtc #stm32f0308 #discovery2014-03-13 9:05 AM
It's an EPSON company now
2014-03-13 11:13 AM
Thanx !!
Digikey had them in stock.rick43065