2012-08-21 10:34 AM
Hi, I have a problem with Timer16 of STM32F0 Discovery. I want use this timer like ''time base'' one interrupt at 1mS.
It Works but this timer has a ColockDivision ? Because when I setting the ColockDivision at :1 ''TIM_CKD_DIV1'' work but when setting ColockDivision at :2 ''TIM_CKD_DIV2'' or :4 the result doesn't change the timer counter is always at ColockDivision at :1 ''TIM_CKD_DIV1'' . Why?2012-08-21 11:27 AM
Because the ClockDivision relates to the ''Input filter and edge detector'', specifically the fDTS clock, and NOT the time base of the counter. If you want the timer to count slower, increase the prescaler divisor.