2013-06-01 8:23 AM
I'm trying to use to CPAL library to send data
I2C1 and I2C2 devices. I use STM32F0DISCOVERY. I2C1 is master, I2C2 is slave. Inlogic
I see that master send addres of slave but no ACK from slave. In User Manual UM1566 (STM32F0xx and STM32F3xx I2C communication peripheral application library) isdescribed
function CPAL_I2C_Listen(), but this function does not exist in library. There is example I2C_TwoBoards, but in this example slave board still wating for data in function CPAL_I2C_Read(), so it useless. #cpal-i2c-stm32f02013-12-09 6:33 PM
I encountered this same issue. Anyone have advice on how to proceed?