2014-04-03 9:16 AM
After upgrading to version 4.1 .
There are the following problems . When creating a new project (MCU STM32F030F4Px) and assigning output PA0 ( tab PINOUT) as GPIO_Input, then clicking in the tab Configuration -> GPIO everything right : GPIO mode: Input mode, it is possible to select the pull up / pull down. But as soon as we add ( tab PINOUT) PA1 pin as an analog input , the tab Configuration -> GPIO changes occur PA0 pin changes the value on the GPIO mode GPIO_Mode_In and no ability to select pull up / pull down. And bid. In the generated file will be twice repeated line RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd (RCC_AHBPeriph_GPIOA, ENABLE);Is it possible when generating code to check if previously set clock ports to avoid provoking the code redundancy .2014-06-06 6:53 AM
Problem is fixed in MX 4.2. Best regards.