2016-02-18 03:04 AM
trying to install ./SetupSTM32CubeMX-4.13.0.linux from recent stm32cubemx.zip on a Opensuse 13.2/64 Bit system, I get: > ./SetupSTM32CubeMX-4.13.0.linux Please install Java JRE 1.7.0_45 or a more recent version However a recent java runtime is installed: > /usr/lib64/jvm/jre/bin/java -version openjdk version ''1.8.0_72'' OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_72-b15) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.72-b15, mixed mode) and stracing the installer shows that ''/usr/lib64/jvm/jre/bin/java -version'' is queried by the installer 1.8 should be more recent than the requested JRE 1.7.0_45. What is wrong here?2016-02-18 06:38 AM
Hi bonnes.uweNo,
Thank you for your feedback. The issue has been reported internally.-Syrine-2016-03-10 11:07 AM
Use Oracle Java SE instead of OpenJDK.
2016-03-12 02:40 AM
Assizov.ivan already said: STM32cubeMX checks for oracle java. If you don't want to install oracle java, you could try to fake the version string. I used this script:
if [ ''$#'' = 1 ]
if [ ''$1'' = ''-version'' ]
>&2 echo 'java version ''1.8.0_66-internal'''
>&2 echo 'Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_66-internal-b17)'
>&2 echo 'Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 66-b17, mixed mode)'
$REALJAVA ''$@''
$REALJAVA ''$@''
Place this script into the same folder as the installer (file name ''java'' with the executable bit set) and execute (in the same folder) ''PATH=.:$PATH SetupSTM32CubeMX-4.1.linux''.
After installation I placed the same dummy java script at the installation directory (where theSTM32CubeMX executable is). Renamed the executable ''STM32CubeMX'' to ''STM32CubeMX_'' and created a dummy for it:
This solution isn't pretty but it works for me. Good luck.
I hope they fix the version string checking in the future.
2016-03-22 11:19 AM
Dear user,
This is fixed in STM32CubeMX 4.14.2017-10-20 12:55 PM
I have
STM32CubeMX 4.22.1 and the problem is still present... (Java 1.8.0_151 installed)
2018-01-03 09:43 AM
I've just tried
Cube 4.23 with JRE 9 and 9.0.1, and neither of them works.
I had to install
1.8.0_151 at the same time (it seems to work now).