2016-11-08 05:31 PM
I want to transfer data 16bit over SPI using DMA (data width: half word, Mode: normal), but in function HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA(SPIx, (uint8_t *)data, uint16_t size) only transfer data 8bit. I want to fill color on ILI9341 LCD.Many thanks.2016-11-08 06:07 PM
Are you sure it is not just a pointer cast of convenience? What's the actual transfer being configured as?
2016-11-08 06:53 PM
I want to transfer such asx SPI_DMA_SendHalfWord(SPIx, uint16_t value, uint16_t count);
Ex: SPI_DMA_SendHalfWord(SPIx, color, 0xFFFF); // Send 65535 bytes, SPI MUST BE IN 16-bit MODE