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STM32Cube Programmer with STM32L522 bootloader run after programming

Associate II


I'm using the internal bootloader of the STM32L522 with STM32Cube Programmer to upload code via UART. I can upload new code without any issues. The problem is that I need the application to start after the programming is complete. I have the "Run after programming" box checked, but it doesn't start after the programming is complete. I have tried the same process using the STM32F411 and the application starts after programming. I'm very new to STM32 microcontrollers and would greatly appreciate any help I can get. 

ST Employee

Dear @Hooks77 ,

Thanks for the question.  STM32L5 series was the first STM32 MCU having with Cortex-M33 Core from ARM that introduces security at MCU level and Core : TrustZone . I would recommend to have a look on this  Introduction to Arm® TrustZone® features on STM32L5, STM32U5, and STM32U3 MCUs - Application note

To see how to have your code enabling secure and non secure areas and what are the out of reset status to be taken into account.

Hope it helps you.


Thanks for the info! I'll look into that immediately.

Associate II

I currently have trustzone disabled. If I'm understanding everything correctly, my application should start at address 0x08000000 with trustzone disabled?