2018-01-22 1:09 AM
I tried the example UART_TwoBoards_ComPolling from the STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.10.0 on the STM32L476RG-Nucleo boards, and it seems it doesn't work as expected.
I followed the readme.txt file for the wiring.But i noticed after in the main.h file that the pins are not the same as described in the readme.txt file, even the instance is not the same. Is it normal?
2018-01-22 7:39 AM
I don't know, I haven't reviewed the readme.txt vs code.
The code, and settings there, are going to be definitive in regards to what the hardware ultimately does, so review those settings in the context of the user manual and schematic.
From a hardware side you'd want a common ground between two boards and the RX/TX pair switch over, so USART_TX on one side goes to USART_RX on the other.
On the NUCLEO-64 be aware that the Arduino D0/D1 pins share common use with the ST-LINK VCP and that solder bridges may need to be changed for USART2 PA2/PA3 operation
2018-01-22 9:15 AM
You can do simple test with a single board connecting tx and rx.
Generate HAL based code, then in the main loop use HAL_UART_Transmit, then HAL_UART_Receive to test. Turn on led when you get different values.
BTW. Todat CubeMX 4.24.0 was released and new L4 library - v1.11.0
2018-01-23 12:33 AM
The problem was, that the pins described in the readme.txt are not the same used in the project, I changed them and it works.Kind regards,2018-02-21 5:55 AM
I confirm a discrepancy exists on this example between readme.txt and code. Issue has been logged and will be addressed for further L4 packages deliveries.