2008-05-06 5:35 PM
STM32 WWDG timeout formula
2011-05-17 3:34 AM
The value given for the WWDG timeout in the RM0008 reference manual is
Twwdg = TPCLK1 x 4096 x 2^WDGTB x (T[5:0] + 1) It seems to me it would be better to describe the timeout as a time range, due to the comment elsewhere in RM0008 about the timeout value:Quote:
The timing varies between a minimum and a maximum value due to the unknown status of the prescaler when writing to the WWDG_CR register It would seem to me that the time range below is a more accurate way of describing the WWDG timeout value. Twwdg = TPCLK1 x 4096 x 2^WDGTB x (T[5:0])to
Twwdg = TPCLK1 x 4096 x 2^WDGTB x (T[5:0] + 1)
Can ST confirm this is the case? Thanks