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STM32_PVD_need to set the reference Voltage

Associate II

Hi i am using stm32H750VB as the IC for my project.I need to detect sudden power shutdown .I.e., i need to use PVD mode for detecting the sudden drop in voltage and save the EEPROM Contents.I need to use PVD using external analog voltage PIN RB7. But when i use this i cannot set the reference voltage (Cube MX) to my wish and the reference voltage is set around 1.20V (i think its a default value) and the corresponding interrupt function is generated(void HAL_PWR_PVDCallback ()). Kindly guide me through the steps for setting the reference voltage around 2.9V.


This is how PVD using PVD_IN pin works, read RM0433, Programmable voltage detector (PVD) chapter.


Associate II

Thanks for the reply...

I have read that and it is mentioned that "In this case PVD_IN voltage is compared to the internal VREFINT level" .

My question is how to change the value of "VREFINT".Is there a possibility of varying that voltage ?

> My question is how to change the value of "VREFINT".Is there a possibility of varying that voltage ?



Associate II

ok ..thank u for your reply..