2012-05-30 1:45 AM
I have designed a PCB that has an
microcontroller. It kind of works, but the micro has a weird power-on/startup problem. Basically, when the power is applied the micro will not start on it's own and the crystal will not oscillate. Pressing reset helps, but only if it's done 1.5-2 seconds after the power is applied. Before that, the micro is unresponsive.
I am using a 24Vdc SMPS to provide power to the board. Then an LM2674 brings that down to 3.3V for the micro and other devices. Below is the lost of things that I have tried:
I have tried everything I can think of, but I was not able to resolve the problem. I hope that some of you will be able to give me a good advice based on the above clues.
#power-on #startup #stm322012-05-30 3:00 AM
Are you sure that the reason is the power supply and its dynamics ?
Caps of 100...1000uF at the Reset pin are not a viable solution... I would try to inject a stable 3.3V at the output point of your supply, and observe the startup. If the problem still exists, you might have a problem in the schematics or wiring around the uC.2012-05-30 4:18 AM
You are correct. I just went over the schematic and it turns out I had BOOT0 pin floating. Tied it to ground and it works.
Thanks!2012-05-30 5:15 AM
The boot configuration would have been my next guess, after ruling out the power supply...
2012-05-30 8:09 AM
I should point out that the external oscillators not start when the part comes up, they must be started explicitly by user code that is being run from HSI (8 MHz or 16 MHz depending on the part). The system loader, at least in the F103 uses the HSI+PLL.