2020-07-03 7:03 AM
I am making a project on a STM32F767ZI MCU and with this situation I cant efficiently test the code which depends on input/output of digital and analog variables because i dont have access to the hardware (in this case i want do drive a motor and i need feedback de speed via encoder read).
I could simulate the control using the MCU, just calculating what speed it would be for a given output, but this solution is not very elegant once i need to test 9 analog sensors as well. :(
So my ideia is to see if is there any platform I can use so simulate the MCU with de code i made (like the MULTISIM to 8051 MCU's), and had some extra hardware.
2020-07-03 7:34 AM
There's not a good simulator/emulator for the STM32, especially if you need to interface with many external components. Best way is to just get a board and test it out. Board are pretty cheap and easy to get, although not free.