2016-01-15 12:16 AM
I am using a STM32F302 custom made board. When I set TIM2, CAN_TX and CAN_RX at the same priority, CAN_TX and CAN_RX interfere with the performance and interrupt timer of TIM2. I checked the user manual and I noticed that TIM2 had a lower priority than the CAN interrupts. I also tried setting a higher priority for TIM2 using the NVIC_SetPriority function but it did not help. Is there any way I can configure such that TIM2 has higher priority so it is not affected by the CAN_TX and CAN_RX interrupts?2016-01-15 3:35 AM
Review Cortex-M4 documentation.
NVIC Grouping, ie how the 4-bits used in the STM32 are split between Priority and Preemption. Preemption is where it breaks into the currently running state, Priority is where it orders/sequences the execution of the next interrupt when it finishes the current one.2016-01-19 4:57 PM
Hello Clive,
Thanks for your reply. I changed the pre-empt and sub priorities according to the NVIC grouping that allocates the bits to pre-empt and sub priorities. Thanks!