2012-03-21 4:56 AM
I have to read a 15 bit parallel data coming from a camera sensor and one bit as a request signal which tells whether the micrcontroller should initiate memory transfer or not. Does FSMC has any trigger signal within itself so that I dont want to use any external interrupt or timer to trigger the transfer ? Please help me out.2013-06-12 2:55 PM
Can I use any of the timers of TIM3_CH3 / TIM8_CH2N / TIM1_CH2N(referenced to datasheet) for PB.0?
TIM3_CH3 might be workable.Can not inverse channel be used as input capture mode and triggering DMA? Or any other timer except TIM1 and TIM8 can be used? No I don't believe these are routable, you can review the block diagram for the timer yourself, but all indications are they are output only.Can I use only TIM1_CC_IRQHandler and TIM8_CC_IRQHandler for the input capture mode or can I select other timers(TIM2, 3, 4 , ..) ?
The interrupts all go through a singular routine for those timers, so CCx, Update, etc. and are not directed to specialize routines.
2013-11-22 11:32 AM
I'd like to use FTDI FT232H in FT245 synchronous mode, but in this casethe FT232 is the clock source, so I'm not able to use FSMC in synchronous modebecause the FSMC generates the clock. Therefore I would like to use the sameapproach as written bellow, but my question would be could the Timer's capturehandle a 60MHz clock? Regards,Daniel2013-11-22 12:10 PM
I looked at the data sheets and got confused. You mean the FT2232H
60 MHz is a tad on the high side for the external interface, certainly at or close to the limit for an STM32F2 device at 120 MHz. On a faster F4 device you'd need to contend with the resync on the input pins to get into the STM32's clock domain. The STM32F429 can get you up to 180 MHz, which again is a multiple of your clock. Can you use a fractional version of the 60 MHz output to clock HSE_IN on the STM32? At least then you'd have a common view of time. Are you planning on input, output or both?2013-11-23 2:43 AM
I have
, but in that case It's the same.I will use it with F4 series in bidirectional mode.If I connect the CLK of the FT232H to the capture pin of the TIM3,could It handle (TIM3 CC) a 60 MHz signal?I will trigger the DMA transfer regarding.Thanks,Daniel2013-11-23 5:18 AM
No, I don't think this is going to work.