2018-04-05 9:09 AM
I want to send F0 slave address with 7 bit slave address mode by I2C.
When I try to send I got ADDR10 error. Because F0 is reserved 10 bit slave address sending value
please let me know there any way to send F0 for slave address with 7bit mode?
2018-04-05 1:21 PM
F0 is too large to fit in 7 bits,
which chip are to trying to work with ?
I will look it up.
2018-04-06 2:28 AM
I use STM32 NucleoF401RE development board and I want to write and read data to /from RT750
this chip has 7 bit slave address and 1 bit(first bit) read-write.
Also, this chip has 4 different register group and each register group has different slave address.
1.group register slave address is 1111000x, 2
.group register slave address is 1111010x,
.group register slave address is 1111100x and 4
.group register slave address is 1111110x,
x=read-write bit
if I want to write data to 3. and 4. group register with 7bit mode I can write. Because the slave addres is 11111000(0xF8),
11111100(0xFC) but if I want to write 1. and 2. register group with 7bit mode I cant write. because
the slave addres is
11110000(0xF0) and 11110100(0xF4), I have ADDR10 flag error and the comnunication is stoped.
when I use USB to I2C baord I can write and read data from RT750 by my computer.
2018-04-06 3:01 AM
I cannot find an RT750 do you have a link ?
2018-04-06 3:18 AM
this is speacial chip. you should sign NDA first. I can write and read data with EM78F641 (8 bit ELAN microcontroller)
by my assembler code. But STM32 is new for me I use first time. I use assembler to write code for microcontroller until now. It is first time I use STM32MX cupe and Keil with C. it is disaster for me. Actually I finished other part of software and they are ok. I have problem the smallest and last part of software it is I2C.
2018-04-07 2:08 PM
If you use HAL, look here
If you use SPL, look here